Mobile and Tablet Advertising

Almost everyone owns a smartphone or a tablet. If you have been observant, you know how many people are busy tapping on screens. You see them when commuting, at coffee shops, lounges, terminals, or at any place where people wait in line – bottomline, mobile users are everywhere!

They use it for convenience, play interactive games, connect with people via social media, and surf the internet on-the-go. With that being said, this is a significant population pretty much attached to their mobile device to search for apps, products and services.

This widespread use of wireless devices globally opened an opportunity for marketers to venture into mobile advertising. According to eMarketer, in 2013 the global mobile ad spending increased 105.0% to total $17.96 billion. In 2014, mobile is on pace to rise another 75.1% to $31.45 billion, accounting for nearly one-quarter of total digital ad spend worldwide.

Based on the high figures presented, the trend is expected to grow in the coming years. Internet giants, Google and Facebook, hold 66.8% of the U.S. mobile ad market, a report suggests. It’s a no-brainer that every marketer alive wants to be found in the leading search engine and social media network. They represent a huge force of advertising revenues intended to help small businesses and large enterprises alike.

Businesses, regardless of size, location or origin can leverage mobile advertising. A successful mobile campaign boils down to well-targeted ads. Below is a list of its rewards:

  • Mobile advertising can be geo targeted. This is a huge advantage for advertisers. Imagine you are looking for a restaurant and an ad appears for a nearby restaurant. Chances are, you will go to that one without scrolling on your phone.
  • Mobile advertising enables a business to reach a wider audience. If you want your local store to ring a bell to the people nearby, advertising your brand, product and services through effective mobile targeting can help.
  • Build and manage your brand. International brands can greatly leverage the use of mobile ads. They can easily relay their messages, products and services worldwide with ads that appear on smartphones in search results, websites and even on apps.
  • A well-targeted prospect-base. If you notice, free, downloadable apps have advertisements inside their platform. It suggests other apps to try that are similar with the one you’re using, your interests or perhaps promoting the developer’s other apps.

Does your business thrive in the competitive market you’re in? Give us a call and we’re happy to assist you in your mobile advertising needs.