Brand Consistency

Digital Branding

In the good ole days Brand Consistency meant Logo Design, Colors and ad placement was applied consistently in all printed material.   Today is not just about  the logo, colors and typeface but also about building a brand in the digital world that includes all these items and many more. This is a major shift from static marketing campaigns that are adjusted infrequently to real-time, 24/7/365 brand building.

Brand Evangelist

Branding decisions are more complex than ever as consumers interact with brands through social media and organization’s are represented across an increasingly fragmented media environment. It’s more than managing consistency; it’s managing an “experience” for not only the end users of your products but the distributors, aggregators, their friends and associates.

Businesses are learning the value of brand evangelist and the long term implications of online loyalty.  The sales path is different online and businesses must be more deliberate about the paths they present to consumers which not only include purchasing but also those warm fuzzy brand feelings.

• Customer Experience replaces customer focus.

• Clear positioning of the company as well as the product.  This is part and parcel of the look, the feel, the personality exhibited online, the causes supported by the company and its key employees, the way the company responds to feedback etc.

• The good news is that Brand differentiation provides a sustainable competitive advantage and there are many ways to differentiate beyond product features and benefits.

• Authenticity, trustworthiness and brand personality support brand positioning, while emotional elements and engaging activities connect the customers to the brand.